Longhouse Inquiry -Linking Math with SSHG Gr 3
Using a rich mathematics investigation students participate in an inquiry which is focused on the social studies th [Read More]

Peel Art Gallery Museum & Archives Interactive Map
This video shows how primary source materials from local art galleries, museums and archives support SSHG inquiry l [Read More]

Peel Art Gallery Museum & Archives Land Use Etobicoke Creek
This video shows how primary sources (Fire Insurance Plans) can be used to inquire about “change over time” as [Read More]

Longhouse Inquiry -Linking Math with SSHG Gr 3
Using a rich mathematics investigation students participate in an inquiry which is focused on the social studies th [Read More]

Conducting a Field Study-Collecting Data Outside – Part 3
In this final part of the of the field study students are conducting a community walk collecting data from their lo [Read More]

Conducting a Field Study using Primary Source Materials – Part 2
In part one students use books and other materials to begin building concepts. [Read More]

Conducting a Field Study with Primary Students- Part 1
Follow this three part series to see how you can lead an inquiry focusing on the land use and the local community. [Read More]

Exploring Water with World Photos
Students use photographs to ask questions and analyse the relationship between environment and ways of life in comm [Read More]

Exploring the Need for Water – Gr. 2
Teachers discuss the use of photographs as primary source materials to develop historical thinking (cause and cons [Read More]